Tuesday September 20, 2011
Today I hit full term (aka 37 weeks). This pretty much means that if our little guy wanted to come now, he could. Part of me wishes he would. :) The other part of me is not ready yet, and probably never will me. Here's a picture of me in my full term "glory".
Yes, I'm huge! People have been asking me for weeks if I'm due any day now. Ummm...not quite. Our little man has been measuring quite big, plus I've had those high fluid levels that are being monitored.
It's been an interesting pregnancy, nothing like I thought being pregnant would be. I'm not sure that I was really prepared for all that my body has gone through. Here are some highlights (or lowlights) from each trimester.
Morning/all day sickness
Extreme tiredness
Strange aversion to foods (I was completely disgusted by chicken)
Craving for ice
My craving for ice transformed into Slurpee's and I had to have one almost daily
More energy
Normal appetite
Starting to feel the baby move around.
Feeling so much movement from my baby. It doesn't always feel good.
Stretch marks- so gross. I hate them
Having to limit sugar (no more daily Slurpee's...yeah it sucks)
Feeling really sore all over
Dealing with the hottest Texas summer on record
Sounds like fun, right? It hasn't been bad.
Brian and I took some classes at my hospital to help us prepare. They were really beneficial and Brian enjoyed the free meals we were provided at each of these. I think Brian is going to do great with the labor and delivery. He's really good at calming me down and making me relaxed. I was worried when we first found out about the baby because Brian is not a fan of needles and things, but he's prepared and promises that he will be okay.
We also had a car seat check this week. Here's a couple of pictures of us installing our seat.
We are just about ready for the little guy to arrive. Just a few more big events need to happen first. More on that to come soon.
So exciting!!! Good luck, we're excited to see pictures of your little man!
So exciting!!!!!!!!!!
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